While Reedsy is a powerful editing tool, Atlas Author's focus is simplicity and quick access to information. While writing your novel, if you want to quickly access notes like characters, locations, and other notes, then Atlas Author is your best choice because your notes can be easily accessed at any time. In addition, we support a wide variety of formatting tools like Vellum, Scrivener, etc. so you can choose your favorite tool once you've finished writing. Reedsy is an all-in-one editing and formatting tool.
Yes! All the essential features like creating a new novel, notes, locations, characters, and exporting are free features.
The editor will review your chapters for potential grammatical errors. It will include some advice such as adding specific language, breaking up long sentences, adding more details, and adding context to character actions. The AI Editor is $4.95 per month, or $3.95 per month for an annual subscription.
Only as a service. We do offer exporting the file as a word document so you can import into other formatting software.
All of the major novel formatting software has been confirmed to accept our files and automatically create chapters, breaks, etc. like Vellum and Scrivener.